Apostasy (2017)
and this good news of the kingdom shall be preached
7 February 2023
.. in all the inhabited earth.

Only there is no good news here.

A depiction of the life of a family 'in the truth' or the organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Throughly depressing film.

One girl is ill and not allowed life saving treatment due to her faith.

One girl is disfellowshipped due to having a relationship with a 'worldly' boy and getting pregnant. The situation with the ill girl is almost like a toxic relationship- constantly made to feel not good enough due to having a life saving blood transfusion as a baby.

The shunning of the pregnant girl is nothing short of abuse.

Conform or you're dead to us. Nothing like a bit of toxic ghosting to show how much love these people really have. You're allowed to love god but real love for real people is forbidden unless they think and behave exactly how you do.

But I guess this is how only these groups can survive.

It's really really sad and a real waste of someone's life. That's in the eyes of myself. A worldly person who cannot believe in a paradise earth or everlasting life with a group of people who are not allowed to think for themselves.

The film is well acted with great content.

I'm guessing current Jehovah's Witnesses won't be allowed to see this even though it doesn't portray them in an unrealistic or bad light. The portrayal is how their life is and they won't be ashamed of it.

Ex Jehovah's Witnesses will just watch and shake their head wondering why they wasted so much time on this and how delusional people can be.

People who die for religion aren't brave - they're extremists and people willing to shun their own family for religious are without any real feeling.
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