Rogue Heroes: Episode #1.5 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Very dramatic, leads to the series finale very well.
6 February 2023
Paddy is given the mission of training The Free French, in his own unique style, sterling leads a daring mission to Benghazi, with William Churchill's son a spectator.

Hard not to enjoy the sheer octane rush that was the penultimate episode of SAS Rogue Heroes, it's exciting, it's dramatic, it's also a little comical at times.

I had a feeling that The French were going to add a bit of something, and they didn't disallowed, they truly are a mixed bunch, including a couple of Germans.

Amazing production, scenes of an African town draped in Swastikas, that's not something you see very often, the visuals have been on point since the start.

I'm not sure by this stage how they're going to tie it up, considering that we're still in 1942, it seems likely that a second series is going to follow.

Very enjoyable, 8/10.
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