My One Star Rating Is Not An Exageration.
5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every piece of this cobbled-together mishmash of video game-esque character hero shots oozes of amateur sweat and tears. There is no aspect of this film that is commendable or even teetering on the edge of being good, let alone competent. This is more like a year long senior high school theater production. There's barely any movement in scenes, as if they are stuck on a tiny stage. They probably are!

At times, it does not even seem like the characters are filming together, but rather phoning it in from their rundown green screened bedroom. They couldn't even bother to match the lighting of the scenery with the lighting of the characters in them. It creates a horrible effect that takes you out of every single scene because it highlights the fakery of it all.

The acting might be the strongest feature here, but it's still sub-par. Everybody knows this project is DoA. They're here for the paycheck and it shows. Nobody is giving it their all.

The plot ... what plot? I guess you could say it's a sort of-but not really re-tread of season 03, but without the best parts. There's really not any logic to it. Things happen. Why? Often there is no reason. Things just happen and characters react. And then we forget about what happened. And more things happen that make no sense, because why not just keep flinging poo at the wall?


There is a character that nearly dies 4 times in this film, and when this character finally does, you don't care at all, because you expect it not to be true, they've desensitized you to the gravity the death ought to bring. Fail.

The action is awful. There is no choreography. It's just free for all. It's like they sat the actors down and told them to do their best at pretend fighting. And that's what they filmed.

There is literally nothing here to enjoy. Nothing to appreciate. It is not worth your money or your time. If you are a fan of the series, it's most advised that you don't watch this, because at best it's a pale imitation of what we got in the show. And it's not like the show is a cinematic masterpiece either.

Apparently, there is a sensible reason for all of this madness. They filmed the majority of this movie without a script. The script wasn't finished until filming had nearly wrapped up. Wow.

So yeah.

Teen Wolf: The Movie is TRASH. Don't watch it.
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