Fake Famous (2021 TV Movie)
1 of them is real ungrateful >:( otherwise good show
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the premise and was surprised by the state of the fakeness of buying likes/subs; faking your pictures and how the influencers had to sometimes slave away for most of the day to even get a few "perfect" pictures.

This whole world suddenly seemed a lot more saddened, stressful and fake.

It was an eye opening experience.

What made me mad tho, was Christopher was So ungrateful!

In casting he had that "I don't care about anything" voice, telling the directors that HE DESERVED IT (fame). And later on - DESPITE this being a social experiment (that they paid for) - he suddenly felt too good for it all.

He took what he could get and then took his newly acquired fame and left them with a HALF FINISHED program. So freaking ungrateful.

Wylie also saw the darker side of fame and what happened to him (with essentially someone from his past bullying him to the extent that he had no choice but to shut off his account) really was sad to watch.

The only real success story here was the girl Dominique. She also seemed like the one best equipped for this and she at least stayed humble and kind <3 good for her I'd say.
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