Dune Warriors (1991)
Another cheap unoriginal apocalytic movie starring David Carridine
4 February 2023
The apocalyptic set up has small peaceful desert compound being attacked and terrorized by marauders lead by William (Luke Askew) for the intention of stealing their water. Motivating a young lady named Val (Jillian McWhirter) to sneak away from her deserted community compound for the purpose of finding some warriors to defend their precious commodity . She succeeds to do this by stumbling onto an expert swordsman, Michael (David Carradine) where he takes her to other remote desert communities to incorporate expert warriors.

Don't get me wrong, but I like David Carradine movies but just not this one. It could be the reason because as a result of seeing so many films, I am yearning to see something 'new' and different which this film does not have. The central theme is a poor and low budget rendition of the "Seven Samurai" the basis for "The Magnificent Seven" to "Battle Beyond The Stars" to "Seven Warriors" and other films that uses the idea of using groups of people. And the action is just as hokey as other low budget apocalyptic movies released during the 1980's and onward, in other words I cannot stop and view it as a cash grab if viewers had not seen the original. Carradine has made much more superior post apocalyptic movies with this one ranked amongst the lowest.
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