Has something to offer but it's too slow and simple
3 February 2023
I like the concept here of the vast difference between actual love and narcissistic control. Narcissistic personality disorder is when someone needs to control and manipulate other people to feel like they're human. They're basically lacking a soul and feed of others in a nutshell.

This film tries to portray this subtle abuse by showing mostly the abused victim and not the actual abuse so most of the film is the lead female being stuck in a relationship and it just doesn't do much else. She's with her friends and not in the actual abuse for most the screen time.

The ending is pretty good, but the slow first hour or so really drags. I would have like to have seen more of what created her abuse symptoms and also how she was before meeting her Narc boyfriend.

Overall the acting is good, but the plot is too slow for most audiences and didn't really progress. It also is dealing with very subtle things in a very subtle way as well so it misses the mark on being an effective drama or thriller and is more just a character study. 5/10.
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