Fun if you let it be
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think anybody is gonna give Gamera vs. Zigra any Kaiju classic praise, and for obvious reasons. That said, this isn't so bad. The alien invasion plot was pretty common for both Godzilla and Gamera movies at this point, but this movie went the Ultraman route and had the alien and monster as the same entity, rather than aliens controlling the monster, which makes this a more unique experience for Kaiju fans. The plot flows along pretty slowly, which does make it a drag to watch at times, but overall what we're given is typical cheesy Gamera fun. The environmental message is handled rather nicely, and doesn't come off as too preachy. Heck, even the kids here aren't so bad. They at least act like normal kids, and aren't the ones coming up with all the plans to stop Zigra. As for Zigra, his design is pretty badass. Based off the real life goblin shark, he's a cool looking villain, and memorable Gamera foe. Fight scenes aren't among Gamera's best, but still have the Gamera hokiness we've come to love

Honestly, it's a Showa Gamera movie. If you go in with the right attitude, you'll have fun. Just let yourself be a kid again for an hour and a half, and enjoy yourself

-- Wes Wall.
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