Streetwalker (2022)
Rebirth/trauma nightmare or something like that.
29 January 2023
I think this film could be interpreted as a dream. The entire film is a long dream/nightmare. Thus the filters and foggy camera work. I only watched this because Gravitas Ventures distributed it and they're legit.

Overall I really don't know how to review this movie. It's not for everyone. It involves sexual assault, mutilation, cults, but it never feels like real life. It feels like a really bad dream.

Have you ever had a dream where you're in it, but you're not the actual you, you're some other version of yourself...but the real you is still there? That's what this film was like with the lead character. Very strange movie, pretty much haven't seen anything quite like it. So, to me it's worth watching because it's experimental artwork. 6/10.
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