Review of Rogue Heroes

Rogue Heroes (2022–2024)
American Style Patriotism Instead of British
28 January 2023
This is a series every viewer either loves or hates. As a foreigner, American, I can see why some British just hate this.

This has an American style patriotism. Think Rambo, think Top Gun. The "hero" imagines himself a "rebel." He's brash, loud, and in love with himself. American patriotic films can be pretty damned obnoxious and even include unprovoked self righteous violence.

American patriots idealize the cowboy, and most of the world hates cowboys as out of control. Many British hate the idea of rogue heroes. This series celebrates them. It's loud, smug, and thinks of itself and them as kickass. It's very American, not British.

No wonder so many British viewers hate this. Not the least for its many obvious falsehoods and inventions. The claim of being based on true stories is ridiculous.

I hated this series too. I wanted an accurate historical war film, and this is a mindless gung ho shoot em up with a set of goofy choices for a soundtrack. I wanted Saving Private Ryan, UK version, and this film is a bad Tarantino knockoff.
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