Horror Castle (1963)
Badly dubbed but exquisitely filmed movie...
28 January 2023
... starts out with Mary (Podesta) being awakened on a dark and stormy night.

She hears a scream, lights a candle, and goes to investigate. She wanders through the forbidding castle, finally arriving in the dungeon, where she finds a dead body in the torture chamber. Film goes from there.

Movie has beautiful cinematography by Riccardo Pallottini. The color scheme is predominantly red and gold, black and white, with lots of shadows mixed in. The music score by Riz Ortolani is jarring; part of it feels just right for the genre, while part of it sounds like it belongs in a nightclub.

Podesta's Mary is a refreshing change from the usual heroine. She doesn't just scream on cue and faint, she fights back and thinks before she acts. Lee is good, as always. The rest of the cast is ok.

Horror films' screenplay is routine, until the last half hour, when it has twist after plot twist.

Movie is a fun watch, very worth seeing. 3/4.
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