Naruto: Shippuden: Omedetô (2016)
Season 1, Episode 474
The Real End of Naruto
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few more chapters left, but can be said that this was the real finale of Naruto. What comes next makes no sense at all, and this episode was especial given the farewells. The plotline continues when Kaguya is sealed. The ground of the dimension tremors, and Kaguya suffers a transformation into the Juubi as a Chibaku Tensei is performed, with her as the core. Naruto and Sasuke jump through the flying rocks. Kakashi rescues Sakura. The nine Bijuus are restored when the Juubi disappears, and Madara's body is returned to the ground. Son Goku praises Kurama's jinchuriki. Sasuke goes with Kakashi and Sakura, and tells that Naruto had something to do. Turns out that he left to deal with Black Zetsu, who can't believe they were defeated by brats, as he wrote the story, so Naruto tells him that the story of the shinobi was created by the lives of many ninjas and their deaths. He furiously says that a mother's boy like him would never understand, and throws him to the forming satellite. That way, Black Zetsu is imprisoned forever with Kaguya and the Gedo Mazo. Then, Naruto returns, and joyfully tells Sakura that is sealed and happy ending. She cheers, and mumbles how much she wishes to take a bath to get clean off dirt. But suddenly, she screams panicked pondering how they are going to get out from there. He screams, panicked as well, with the same expression. Son Goku still claims that Naruto is a little stupid. At the real dimension, Hagoromo is ready to bring them back, aware that they suceeded as the sun and moon signs returned to his hands. Along the four Hokages and all the other Kages from the other four great villages, they perform the jutsu to teleport the nine Bijuus, Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Madara's body. They appear right before Hagoromo, and Minato welcomes back his son. A few comments: The position of each one is pretty symbolic. Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi are more close to each other while Sasuke is slightly away from them. I think this was drawn with the intention to show the distance between them, not just physical. There are wounds that cannot be repared, scars, that divide team 7. Kakashi said it would be their last mission, and was the truth. Then, I want to highlight Naruto and Sakura's joy. It's clear that they are two of a kind, their expressions are similar, both look at each other on a special way. Kakashi was simply happy but quiet, unfazed. Sasuke was motionless, without expressing happiness or panic to don't know how to get out the dimension. Then, I liked how Naruto solved Black Zetsu's getaway try. This time, he showed no mercy, was furious and ruthless, remembering all the deaths. Was nice to see the image of Minato, Kushina, Asuma, Jiraiya, Itachi, and others.

The next part: Hashirama looks saddened at Madara's body. Sakura whispers Naruto asking who is the old man before them, he says the grandpa is the Rikudo Sennin. Hagoromo explains he used the summoned them, with the help of all the Kages, even those ones from the pure world. Kakashi guesses who he is, and Hagoromo introduces himself after thanking them for saving the world. Sakura says she could guess since he is floating, but she's too tired to get surprised by this (what a feeling). The first Kages (except Hashirama), are surprised by the situation, to see the Rikudo Sennin, how things have changed from their times, and to see the nine Bijuus reunited. Kakashi realizes this is real indeed. Hagoromo praises him because thanks to his leadership, they could seal Kaguya. Kakashi says he wasn't really useful, praises the others, and the help he got from a friend. But Hagoromo says that guiding Naruto and the others, keeping Obito's friendship, was crucial to defeat his mother. Then, Naruto goes to talk to Kurama, asks if he missed him, but the Fox feels awkward and says that he had his other half. Hagoromo is glad because he always expected this. Sakura watches the scene happy, Sasuke remains serious. Kakashi mentions that Obito's return to good was also thanks to Naruto. Hagoromo says he'll ask him later. Then, Kakashi on his subconcious, shares the last farewell with his old friend. Obito is regretful of how he made a mess on the ninja world, and doesn't know what to say. Kakashi comforts him, at least they can say goodbye as friends and not as enemies, he is before the same person who cared about everyone and never made it in time. That's enough for him. Obito says he has to return with Rin. Kakashi asks which excuse he's going to make, he says he already told her he had to save him. Obito finally leaves, Kakashi thanks him and the Sharingans disappear. His eyes return to normal, suffers a small breakdown, so Sakura holds him back. She notices the change on his eyes, he says sorry, the Kakashi of the Sharingan ended here. This part was pretty good. For one side, I liked how Kakashi and Sakura met Hagoromo. She had to whisper Naruto to ask (that's full trust between them), and then, she was unsurprised. Obviously, after witnessing so many surreal events in a few hours, she can't get stunned anymore. Kakashi was modest, sincere, he didn't want to take any praise for saving the world. But Hagoromo was recognizing his endurance, and faith on the team, and Obito. If he had given up, decided to treat Obito and Sasuke on a different way, the mission would have failed. He earned their respect, which was necessary for teamwork. The farewell with Obito was good. Simple, with the right words. Kakashi tried to avoid the fact of the crimes, that's not up to him. What's important is that he knows the truth of all what happened.

Then, Sasuke spots Madara and runs there, but Hagoromo stops him, and says that since the Bijuus were extracted, he's about to die (now the rules work?). He advises Sasuke to pay attention to the farewell between Hashirama and Madara. The latter says how they couldn't fulfill their dreams, the Senju says not everything can be achieved in life, that's what younger generations are for. Madara says that he was always so naïve, soft, but maybe that was the right way. His dream died, but Hashirama's lives. He responds that he rushed, and should have allowed his followers to keep his work correctly. But Madara says that wasn't possible, he always hated being followed. Hashirama recalls what he said when they were young, that when dying if people opened themselves, they could drink together as fellows, brothers, despite being enemies. Madara seems to agrees with him, and dies. Sasuke looks at the scene saddened. Hashirama feels down as well. This farewell was good. Madara was the main enemy of the story, but at the end he was just a deranged man, who lost his way in the world and deserved to die. The death of young brothers in war can make a person mad, traumatized. He had the end he deserved for all what he did, and Hashirama wanted to give him a final lecture. The 1st Hokage was a great man, he already killed Madara once. He was sad because he feels responsible for Madara's fate. So the farewell, his words were also a way to comfort himself, to be at peace. I wished Tobirama could have said something too. Then, this was supposed to be important for Sasuke. To see how the story ended before, and learn not to make the same mistakes Madara made. In any case, Sasuke's pain is bigger, and I don't think he should be alive, but at this point, he should learn the lesson.

The last part: Hagoromo is a about to undo the Edo Tensei and send all the Kages back. Naruto realizes and goes with his father. The sun rises, and Minato tells him Happy Birthday. He praises how strong he became, Naruto thanks him. Minato tells that they belong to different places, this is goodbye, so, broken, he says he'll tell Kushina everything. Then, Naruto begins his farewell words, to tell his mother that he eats well each day, not only ramen, he takes a bath almost everyday, and even goes to the hot springs. Kakashi and Sakura watch the scene, attentive. That he made a lot of friends, they're amazing (Sasuke thinks). He says his grades are low but he doesn't get depressed (Hashirama observes), he listens to Kakashi and Hiruzen's lessons, he respects them (the 3rd Hokage listens). About the three ninjas Prohibitions, he learned a lot with Jiraiya, and though he didn't respect much those, Ero Sennin was the most shinobi he admired the most. Now he's 17 so he doesn't know much about booze and women, but his mother told him to find someone like her. Naruto doubts in what to say, but anyway, he says he hadn't fulfilled all what she asked, but he's trying really hard. As Minato ascends, Naruto cries, he has a dream, and promises to become Hokage like him. "Tell her not to worry about me, I'm doing my best". Minato promises to tell her everything, and fades away. What a beautiful moment, tearful, emotive, heartbreaking. Reprised almost perfectly Kushina's last words to Naruto, with the same touching score playing on the back. I felt that the encharge to find a woman like her was the only unfulfilled wish, even though he said he's trying. If at this point Naruto and Sakura had their feelings resolved (which is what the story demanded), he could have said "I think I've found her, you already met her". However, the moment Minato recognized Sakura and entrusted his son to her, implies that he already knows, so he'll tell Kushina. What matters is how much Minato and Kushina love their son, and how much he feels it. Naruto filled his life with their love, and now that he knows them well, he can hold those memories on his heart forever. The fact that Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke witnessed this, should strength their bond. Kakashi and Naruto now have a lot to talk about Minato, Obito, Rin. Sakura now is more closer to Naruto, by meeting his father, seeing a special side from him, the interactions with his family. Sasuke should see that Naruto also lost his parents, and misses them so much. Another lesson to learn.
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