The Honeymoon (2022)
Fun + Amazing Cinematography
25 January 2023
I don't totally understand all the hate people are giving The Honeymoon. Sure, it has formulaic plot and uses some low hanging fruit "American" comedy tropes, but the actors are all very relatable and the cinematography for what's a run of the mill romcom meets bromance is top notch, it's honestly the cinematography of a much higher budget film. I had fun watching it on the couch over two afternoons with my SO, we felt invested in the characters and I loved the artistry of what would otherwise be an average (still 5 out of 10 stars) movie. I'd say it's great before bed or while chilling with friends, even the "infuriating" parts are saved but how fun it is to yell at the TV and the BEAUTIFUL settings and photography. If you start watching and decide it's not for you, I honestly recommend just watching on mute. I'd give a 6.5 or 7 but like I said, the writing reused a lot of jokes we've seen before.
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