Critics loved it, I didn't.
23 January 2023
It's one of those character study movies that critics love but the general population comes away wondering how they are going to get back those 2 hours they just lost.

Yes it has great actors and some brief laughs but mostly it is devoid of entertainment value. Had I paid to watch this in the theater I would be even more upset.

We don't get to watch the crumbling friendship because we never got to see what it was before the lightbulb turns off in Brendan Gleeson's head and he turns into a flaming idiot. Yes there has been a huge media blitz about Mental Illness, depression, etc and maybe this is trying to capitalize on that, but it just doesn't succeed.

If you enjoy watching grass grow or paint dry then enjoy this film. It will undoubtedly win a lot of awards which will cause even more head-scratching among film goers.
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