It's unusual to see a female chief villain in a serial
23 January 2023
This is a 15-chapter action serial based on the DC Comics character, from Columbia Pictures, producer Sam Katzman, and directors Spencer Gordon Bennet & Fred F. Sears. The Blackhawks are an elite group of pilots and crime fighters who operate out of their own private airport in the western U. S. Led by the man known only as Blackhawk (Kirk Alyn), they face off against a group of Communist operatives commanded in the field by Laska (Carol Forman). She takes orders from the mysterious Leader, whose identity is unknown. The commies are after various experimental weapons and other devices, including a death ray, a remote-controlled flying saucer, and even a new form of perpetual energy.

Wearing matching outfits and refusing to carry firearms, the Blackhawks main strength was as ace, daredevil pilots. The usual low budget of a serial unfortunately keeps the aerobatics to a bare minimum. Instead there's an emphasis on car chases and fisticuffs. Not much time is spent establishing the characters, and no back story is provided for our heroes. It's unusual to see a female character acting as the chief villain in a serial, and Forman does a good job of it. Some of the cliffhangers are amusing, particularly one involving a car bomb. Star Kirk Alyn had previously starred as Superman in another pair of serials.
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