Low stakes and personal tale.
21 January 2023
An old Flemish film about a man named Charel that works in construction and also owns and lives in a café with his father, mother, daughter and girlfriend/fiancee. He quickly gets fired from his construction job however, due to his bad eyesight. This however is never really brought up again after the fact.

The yearly carnival is setting up shop in 'Verbrande Brug' which is the name of this place and movie, meaning Burned Bridge. This brings back some familiar faces for Charel aswell as the drama that is connected with these faces, namely the previous boyfriend/husband of his new girlfriend and this man his new fling. The film centers around the interactions between these characters aswell as some others, leading up to a solid conclusion.

Jan Decleir plays an interesting lead, one that i quite enjoyed to see. His character is short-tempered, fragile and quite a pauper of a man. Not a role we're used to see him in.

Solid film, especially for its age.
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