Cat got your boots?
21 January 2023
The best joke in 'Puss In Boots: The Three Diablos (2012)' is arguably far too brief and could've been mined for more laughs, but in a way it's good that the short doesn't overdo any of its aspects. This is an entertaining outing from the moment it begins. The story pairs the feline protagonist with a trio of naughty but cute kitties, tasking him with taking care of the unruly youth as they lead him to a stolen treasure. It has a quick pace that skips over some fairly important character development, but the broad strokes are all there and the arcs are generally satisfying. It features a few chuckles here and there, and its aesthetic isn't too much of a downgrade from the feature film it acts as a spin-off from. It's an enjoyable effort overall, even if its narrative is a little undercooked.
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