Saw it first time 15 years later and it isn't so bad
21 January 2023
I think the low rating is reasonable considering the movie was made in 2008. Back then, the market was flooded with parody movies following the success of Scary Movie. Movie history had a lot of parody films but they were usually decent quality and separated by years. Then between 2005-2008 there were at least 15 big parody titles and the genre pretty much became boring and repetitive.

So, I didn't see this movie till the time I wrote this review (2023). I don't think it's any worse than other spoof titles of this era - a plot line that makes fun of all major superhero movies made till that point (mind you this was before Marvel so they really didn't have a lot of source material - only Spider-Man, Batman and X-men). The punchlines aren't always clever and the acting isn't always perfect but this exactly was why other spoof titles of the time were successful.

Overall, I thought this was an entertaining movie. We laughed out loud a few times (particularly Leslie Nielsen's lines and performance).

I think this is worth watching if you're in the mood for a totally stupid parody comedy.
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