Charlie's Angels: Nips and Tucks (1980)
Season 4, Episode 21
Cosmetic surgeon on a string
20 January 2023
Good guest stars in Louis Jourdan and Joanna Pettet. And Tab Hunter, who never could act.

To show the intelligence of this episode the surgeon, in the operating room, reminds the anesthetist that ether and oxygen are explosive and a single spark will blow them sky-high. I suppose he's warning them against smoking in the OR with a patient on the table? Or just giving the audience expostion and preparing us for a fiery climax? No spoilers, now. Just repeating the first words on the show.

Tiffany isn't bad but she lets her eyes flicker. The rule is to focus on the other actors' downstage eyes. Stillness on camera is always more effective. Watch "Remington Steele" and see how Pierce Brosnan keeps his head still and is niggardly with his body movements while Stephanie Zimbalist is sinuous and always emphasizing her words with head movements. Who became the big movie star? James Bond, in fact.

I like Tiffany. She injected something new in a tiring show. Kate Jackson was better in the later "Scarecrow and Mrs. King." She got her own show, Tiffany would shortly get the can, and next season the genuinely untalented Tanya Roberts gets hired. How'd she become a movie star in a James Bond flick? Albeit one who was so stupid she was abducted by having a blimp sneak up on her.

Two lessons: never keep anything club-shaped on your desk; and, once you start killing to cover your tracks, it never stops. Or, at least, never leave important evidence lying around on the floor.

BTW, Tiffany cites "Dr. Kildare." That's an old TV show that made a star of Richard Chamberlain. Ah, the hazards of being timely or on the cutting edge. The cutting edge gets dull fast.
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