WWE Royal Rumble (2014 TV Special)
It wasn't THAT bad....
20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Royal Rumble 2014 Thoughts

Royal Rumble 2014 was the 27th annual Royal Rumble PPV event produced by the WWE. The event was held on January 26, 2014, at the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with attendance at 15,715. The Buy rate was at 467,000. This event is known as one of the most infamous royal rumble PPVs of all time due to the negative crowd reactions through out the last half of the show as fans were not thrilled of the predicted booking heading into this show. This event was also the last WWE appearance of CM Punk who walked out on the company the next day depsite being under contract.

4 matches took place on the card including the royal rumble match that was mostly attempted to be the most hyped up rumble in a while by WWE for Batista's in-ring return. Daniel Bryan also was in a feud with Bray Wyatt that would lead to a match settled between the two here. Big Show was to face Brock Lesnar in a last man standing and the never ending feud between Orton & Cena continued here for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

The Good - Well first, Bryan vs. Wyatt was an incredible opening match up. Bryan being so over made it easy to book Bray Wyatt as a strong disliked heel who played his part well in this match. Bray Wyatt winning didn't hurt any of them despite the hatred from the fans of Daniel Bryan losing. And then there was the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match that despite the reactions, it was surprisingly a good match. The crowd did everything they could to hijack it but Cena & Orton still carried it on like professionals and even the crowd was slowly interested in it towards the end.

The Meh - The Royal Rumble match was average but it being predictable since the buildup started did a number on it. Batista winning maybe wasn't so good looking back at a later view after how his run would turn out after this night. Roman Reigns also looked good in the match too.

The Bad - Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar being of course 1 minute obviously was the let down. They did brawl before the match start with Lesnar repeating brutal chair shots but after the build up, it ended as a let down of what to expect. The last half of the Rumble was absolutely ruined by the crowd and you can argue who it was on. The booking staff making it too predictable or crowd distracting audience with chants.

Overall - Despite being such a messy show thanks to the crowd, I don't think it was awful. Yeah the WWE crew booking was not looking good with some unwanted feuds but the crowd making this show hard to enjoy is also a factor. Like really, was it necessary to hate on Rey Mysterio because he was number 30 and not Daniel Bryan?

Score - 6 out of 10: Decent

0 = Terrible : 1 = Bad : 2 = Decent : 3 = Good : 4 = Awesome : 5 = One of the Best of all Time

1. Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt - 4/5

2. Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar - 0/5

3. John Cena vs. Randy Orton: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - 3.5/5

4. 30-Man Royal Rumble - 2.5/5

Best Match - Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

Worst Match - Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar

Most Memorable Moment - Unfortunately, Bray Wyatt's victory to Bryan. Show changed after the 3.

Top 5 Performers

1. Daniel Bryan - Great Performance

2. Bray Wyatt - Great Performance

3. Roman Reigns - Great Performance and looked like a future star

4. CM Punk - Long activity in the rumble

5. Seth Rollins - Good Performance with great long activity in the rumble.
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