Julia: Boeuf Bourguignon (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
HBO is taking cooking to another level
20 January 2023
As Julia gains supporters at WGBH, her father comes to town and causes subtle chaos in her household. While Hunter supports Julia, Russ still doesn't see it, so he tries to kill the show the best way he can: numbers. The math doesn't lie, and between building a set, the food, and more, Julia's show is too expensive for public television. However, with money being the only issue, Julia says she'll pay for it without talking to Paul or securing the finances for a full-season order. But, between Avis and Dorothy, a neighbor, they refuse to let Julia's dream die, never mind let Paul dominate it. So Avis has it where Paul will have a split focus and Dorothy? She becomes an assistant of sorts. Though it isn't just Avis setting Paul up for an art showing that has him distracted, Julia's father, John coming to visit also distracts him. This is the first time in a year Julia has seen her father, and while he cares for his daughter, it is quite clear he and Paul don't see eye to eye. The best origin story for any character is the establishment of the relationship between them and their parents. Through watching Julia and John, you see both that Julia is undoubtedly her father's child thanks to her pursuing a new venture, no matter what anyone says, yet also the same confidence she gets from him, she gets insecurities. His whole "Be a lady" thing bothers her. It makes her feel less than, and you can fathom it links to her fears that going through menopause would mean Paul would like her less. For if she doesn't have one of the key notable things women go through, will Paul still see her as a woman? Add in that John is cold and cruel, and you further understand why Avis may find Paul to be a bit overbearing, but Julia quite likes the affection and rolls well when Paul originally downplayed what she wanted to do. Simply put, she was used to a man talking to her like that. However, Julia, the show, doesn't do that. Russ has a life, could switch careers if he wanted to, and simply is someone dealing with situations and people out of his wheelhouse. The Alberts of the world, those who seem like thespians, are what he is used to. The Julias? It's a new experience, and you could say a necessary one, for if Russ does end up back in the theater, he'll have the ability to find, grow, and direct those like Julia who have that something people love, even if in its rawest form.
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