The Soulmate Search (2023 TV Movie)
One of the best ROE TV movies ever
14 January 2023
This is Reel One Entertainment TV movie which targets famous Hallmark single dad movies. I think it's the first one of that kind for them and they almost nailed it. As this is ROE TV movie you can bet there will be some technical issues, but there was only one - poor audio at Mickey's cafe scenes. Other that that, good. Even soundtrack was done very well. Furthermore, the movie takes place in St. Petersburg, FL and it was actually filmed there, and not in Hamilton or Kelowna, Canada pretending to be /insert random/ US city.

Casting was good enough, and acting was fine. Jonathan Stoddard looked like discounted Ben Affleck, and I actually liked it, lol.

Writing was fine, too. The movie starts as secretive, but as soon as Act II starts it's pretty predictable how thing are going to develop but it was executed well. Obligatory conflict at the end of Act II was pretty obvious. What I didn't like is how it was resolved i.e. Acting your intellectual age trope was used, and it was totally out of place.

There is a minor diversity issue. It is shoveled everywhere, but why there is not a single Hispanics actor or actress in the movie. Really? In the State of Florida? How's that even possible? But when movie ended and in the closing credit I read that there was actually one Hispanics but he looks like typical Caucasian so I made a mistake. Regardless...

This is one the best ROE TV movies ever, and I watched them a lot.

And as every other ROE TV movie, don't watch trailer if you plan to watch the movie as it shows everything!
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