Review of Sick

Sick (2022)
I Fell for it Again
14 January 2023
Blumhouse shouldn't be allowed to market as horror. There should be a whole new rating created for Blumhouse - Under 10s Horror. When your scare moments are limited to cut scenes of blenders mixing up smoothies and electric toothbrushes laving protagonists' teeth, you know you've run out of material; just admit you're making these things for the kids.

I knew the second I saw the BH logo crop up on the opening credits I'd regret it. But once again, I fell for it. "Maybe this time", says I. Alas, not this time. Or any of the last countless times. I couldn't even stick out my usual requisite 40 minute grace period. It's Friday the 13th. I'm moving on. NEXT.
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