The Old Way (2023)
A Script likely written by a 10 year old kid
13 January 2023
This film is abysmal on almost every level. The story is so silly and clichéd that it's laughably unentertaining. The acting is more wooden than a barn door and that includes Nick Cage who gives us one of the worst performances of his storied career. Wow it's bewildering how this junk even made it past the drawing board. It's like a bunch of people who know nothing about making movies got together and said, let's do a Clint Eastwood western just as a joke. The only redeeming factor here might be the sets and the sound which were adequate. I can't see any point in watching this turd except for perhaps a couple of scenes where Cage goes into an emotional outburst and demonstrates his ability to do dramatic crying in his usual cringeworthy style. Watching his routine only makes one appreciate real class acts like Gary Cooper from those bygone days when they knew how to do western movies worth remembering.
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