I'm worried about the mental wellbeing of those who made and liked this movie
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is, without a doubt, one of the most disturbing movies I have seen. Not for the subject matter, or the execution, but the fact that it exists and has found an audience.

Like the doodles of a suicidal schizophrenic, it is not so much the piece, but what it means for the people that think this is a good idea to put on film.

So, the movie is an overlong and boring petty feud between two friends, one that threatens the other one to mutilate himself every time he talks to him. Yes, the threat it to cause himself harm.

He proceeds to do so, mutilating 5 of his own fingers and throwing them at said friends house. A very dear donkey of the friend dies eating the fingers, so he proceeds to threaten the other friend to burn down his house with him in it. And he then proceeds with the arson.

This is the kind of movie that will eventually appear in one list of "what were they thinking?", when in retrospect people realize that not every macabre thought that goes through someones mind should become a movie.
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