Harry: The Interview (2023 TV Special)
Good interview, misguided motivations
10 January 2023
I for one have not been a fan of the couple's continuous circus over the past few years.

Here's a simple equation to consider.

Is it the entire royal family? Is it all Meghan's family?

Or is it one person? The other being too close to be subjective.

I did watch this all the way through and I also feel more compassion for Harry now than before. I truly believe he thinks he's doing the right thing. He also has his wife in his ear and no doubt surrounded by a bunch of self serving sycophants who are giving him bad advice, or at least not challenging him or them in any way.

Having said that, he's very clear on his path and one can hardly blame him given the English press' horrendous reputation (like most media to be fair), plus what happened with his poor mother. He's imbued with persecution complex fueled by Meghan, who also has her own persecution paranoias. If he thinks taking them on in multiple lawsuits is going to be good for him and the world, then he's wrong. For people who are already so overwhelming sensitive when it comes to others and public perception then lawsuits and public battles will be detrimental to their own mental wellbeing. Time will tell.

I do feel for the guy but airing your dirty laundry in this way, continuously, is not the way to bring reconciliation with your family. If he thinks this will help, he's sadly deluded. He may have irretrievably damaged all relationships with his family.

They will be unable to respond to this in any way. It's bad enough already. And there's really no recourse for them other than to simply keep quiet. They must be fuming and who could blame them.

So far, it's all been one way.

In all these type of situations, you simply have to look at the numbers. Is it the whole world against you or is it one person, or couple? A couple is as good as one person as they always share the same views. Harry's trying to shield his family as any good man does but the damage was really done way back when he first began dating her. He was too close to see the red flags that others certainly did.

It was a thorough and decent interview. It's just sad to see a good person destroy his life.

'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.'
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