Pretty Good Actually
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Charles Band and his Full Moon company can produce great films like Subspecies and Puppet Master series and the later movies of Killjoy, (not the first one, that was awful.) Or terrible ones. This is one of the better ones. I am interested in the Deadly Tens so I thought I would give this one a go. It's pretty good, not great, but not bloody terrible either. Augie Duke is quite good here as is Ali Chappell and Lynn Lowry. The only problem I had was with the sound, it was really echo-ey. I don't know if anyone else watching this movie had the same problem. The story itself was interesting, it is a new take on the movie Necropolis. The characters were interesting and the actor did a good enough job. It had a creepy setting plus a Lynch/Cronenberg vibe. All up, it's not great but you could do a lot worse. It had a bit of a twist ending which i liked as well.
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