A Totally Bonkers Man's End? Who Knows.
4 January 2023
This is in no way a great documentary. It is more of a chaotic drop-in to the latter days of John McAfee. There is an attempt to create a unified whole out of the truly bizarre existence McAfee lived after he was sought as a suspect in the murder of another ex-pat neighbor he had accused of poisoning four of his dogs in Belize. McAfee believed he was targeted and, therefore, be tortured, possibly killed, by what he claimed was a corrupt Belize group of politicians. Soon it is apparent McAfee believes his own claims as he illegally enters Guatemala. The chaos grows to proportions that even the verifiable parts seem fantastic. The fact McAfee is quite possibly a pathological narcissist looms large as his drinking, drugging, and general paranoia grows. It is true that he became a hunted man, but by exactly who is anything but clear.

So, we have an often quite interesting documentary marred by elusive facts. McAfee, who seemed to have bottomless amounts of money, was eventually deported back to the USA. Amazing things were still as chaotic as ever even though he had a period of where he was free, even mounting a failed attempt as a Libertarian candidate for President of the United States. Knowing it was a matter of time before he would face more charges in the US he resumes his nomadic running lifestyle. It's all like a crazy movie script where the scriptwriter couldn't believe what he was writing to the point of a dis-jointed and fuzzy whole. The ending though is as good as any Hollywood thriller with a mystery that could , eventually, make a brilliant sequel...or, not.
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