Overhyped, overrated, and over looked issues (but it's not all bad)
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
DISCLAMER: This series only has 2 episodes so far, and my opinions about this show may change if it gets better as it goes on. With that being said, the show so far has many issues, not all being extremely major, but some are worth major discussion. One of these issues being the animation, the animation itself is not bad, the character designs to bring it down but the animation, movements and overall look of it isn't bad. Except for the fact that the animation brings down the show A LOT. There is a major tonal dissonance in this show all because of the animation. Tonal dissonance can work for shows such as Don't hug me I'm scared because the tonal dissonance in the show is used properly. In this show, whenever something that is meant to be scary or make the audience feel fear, it doesn't. For example, (spoiler for episode 2) e have a scene where Mr. Peterson's wife dies in a car accident, we even see him mourning over the loss of his wife and children. Now, that in itself is dramatic but the animation and tone that they use brings it down by a whole lot. That was only one example, but this type of thing is frequent in both episodes. Also, some of the voices for the main cast don't match their design. (not meant to bring any of the voice actors hate, the voice actors actually do a good job) One of these characters is Ivan. It always feels like whenever his voice is coming out of his mouth like someone else is talking. It isn't a bad voice itself though, it's just the way it is presented. Another issue with episode 1 is when Trinity moves into her new home and goes to school, the pacing feels very off and is always switching between going too fast or staying on plot points for too long. But, it's not all negative, I like the overall story and a few characters, I just hope in the future, It's presented better.
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