Are Actors Human?
30 December 2022
I've heard producers ask that question. In any case, this short concerns various animal actors, including Daisy from Columbia's BLONDIE series, along with Daisy's trainer, Rennie Renfro.

Then it's on to dancing Doberman Pinschers, trained bears, seals, and the other animal acts that used to form part of vaudeville back in the day. Mostly dogs, though. Some interesting acts.

Speaking as a dog owner, I am continually astonished at the intelligence of so-called dumb animals. Mine is so smart, she has trained me to give her a treat whenever she does her business outside. I bristle when people suggest I train her to do tricks, or dress her in cute costumes for holidays. I don't think it wise to institute a battle of wills with my dog. Likely she would win.
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