The Christmas Letter (2019 TV Movie)
Must Try Harder.
29 December 2022
The Christmas Letter (2019) -

This was a sweet film, but it didn't feel fully formed, as if there was something missing. It needed a little bit more to it, although I'm not sure what.

I had actually seen it previously, but forgotten it entirely, which might say something about it's impact.

The style of the film reminded me of 'Klaus' (2019), while the story and setting seemed to make me think more of Gwen from 'Arthur Christmas' (2011). Ultimately though it didn't have a presence of its own and while it did have some cute moments, I think that it probably lacked pace and an additional depth. Perhaps if the main character Henry's father had returned as a gift from Father Christmas for all of Henry's good deeds, it might have had more power or at the very least some magic, instead it fell a bit flat for me.

I'm also not sure that younger audiences would appreciate it, because it didn't thrill in any way and the colours weren't exactly wowing.

I've made it sound really awful and it wasn't actually that bad, I just don't know of anything that I can say as a positive, except that James Quinn Markey did a good job as the voice of Henry.

It felt a bit like a cheap cartoon that had been rushed out in time for Christmas with a couple of big names chucked at it in an attempt to poach the viewers that would usually watch 'The Snowman' (1982) or 'The Gruffalo' (2009), but it missed the point.

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