The Originals: Live and Let Die (2014)
Season 2, Episode 4
Klaus looks for Davina and Mikael
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hayley's first outfit is so cute with layers.

Klaus is looking for Davina and is concerned about the white oak stake being in her possession. He finds her in a cottage by throwing a rock and she has her guard down.

Gia is the newest vampire and is shown how to defend herself by Elijah. They have a tense moment that is romantic.

Mikael forces Kol to undo the spell and release him from Davina. Klaus smartly breaks the white oak stake while one side is in him and uses the end to stab Mikael. Klaus puts Mikael in the car. We see Mikael removing Papa Tunde's knife in him.

Hayley and the others escort the kids with the werewolf gene.
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