"Maybe that house just doesn't like women."
27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode appears to be a reworking of a first season 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' story titled 'Back for Christmas', although both appear to have different writers. Those reviewers who state this one could have been done in a half hour format only need check out the earlier one. I didn't mind the longer version here, as it demonstrated just how corny Keith Hollands (Arthur Kennedy) looked trying to maintain a youthful appearance with a few minutes of daily calisthenics on the beach of his newly rented home. But even that wasn't as corny as the sight of all those adult teenagers dancing at the local night club; is that what we looked like back in the day? I can only shake my head now.

After a while I began to think that Elsa Hollands was really pushing her luck with how much she hated the new Malibu digs. It felt like her husband was really trying to make a new start with the change of scenery, but the Mrs. Started right in with references to 'little what's-her-name' in addition to claiming how creepy the beach house was. She wasn't entirely wrong though, when she left her husband in a huff at the night spot, old Keith immediately hooked up with the mysterious beach babe (Tisha Sterling), which for the life of me, I couldn't figure out whatever she might have seen in him.

What started out as a home improvement project in the rental home's basement suddenly provided Hollands with the inspiration to start a new life by casting aside the old one. The payoff for this episode was kind of dragged out with the arrival of the authorities and the amount of time it took to make their way into the basement, since we already knew Hollands' goose was cooked. Besides Keith Hollands looking out of place in this story as a would-be swinger, the sight of Royal Dano as the real estate agent was somewhat jarring after seeing him in countless TV and movie Westerns of the era.
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