Review of 1923

1923 (2022–2023)
Great writing!
26 December 2022
The story as presented with their son still in North Africa, reminds me of the Wilbur Smith epic Saga of the Courtney's where much of it started in France, then Africa finally America.

The story of the horrible treatment of Native tribes, depicted in this series, as it may have been in history, although I truly believe from the parts told, leaving much unsaid it a tragedy which has ripped this nation and others in half.

Having read accounts of that time, and knowing a little more because I grew up in the 1960's where natives were still being persecuted and treated abysmally.

I like the gritty and difficult lives of our forebears and a sneak peak at the convicts sent to live in North America made out like bandits starting empires still in power today.
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