Too many plot holes
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story line is explained adequately elsewhere so I wont bore you with a synopsis.

The idea was good, the writing, execution and acting weren't.

I know people love Aaron Paul but I've had a hard time finding anything post Breaking Bad worth watching him in. He is either making poor choices or just not getting the offers to let him shine. So, no, not a fan.

Biggest hole was the negatives everyone was after. It made no sense to bury them undeveloped in the garden where they would eventually deteriorate. Any film photographer would know this. Which brings me to my second gripe. If she was gathering evidence against a spy why would you do it on film? A quick snap on digital and them immediately upload it to the cloud, done. There was just far too many issues with negatives in a digital world.

The good guys v bad guys wasn't clear. Who was who? How can she break him out of the torture room and there is no resistance? Why paint the inside of the BMW black so no one could look in when the meet was 3am in an underground carpark? Who was going to look? And, after painting it black how did he get it to the car park when he couldn't see to drive?

To top it off, right at the end she tells him 'we have to go!'as the bad guys are coming. But he stops her to have a deep and meaningful. Good grief.

Bad writing, pitiful acting (sorry, she just didn't come across as a super spy who could take out whole gangs) and I'm thinking 2 is generous.
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