No thank you! Just like a Mexican telenovela, low budget production!
21 December 2022
After what watching Outlander and The Last Kingdom, which both display great quality of film, music, acting and plot, and due to the fact I grew up in Barcelona, i thought this series was going to be of my likings. Boy was I wrong! It does not come even near the quality of Outlander or The last Kingdom. The story line is boring, and repetitive, senseless evil, there is no character development, just backgrounds stories. The low budget shows in the production the most, the picture is so staged that many scenes look fake, and many others are fake for real. The makeup is also mediocre. The only reason I gave it a 2 is because it has some good acting, but my intension was to give it a 1. If you like Mexican telenovela this may be for you! If you hope for a Spaniard version of the Last Kingdom or Outlander you will be very disappointed.
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