An amazing drama, if not for the second sister
20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow - what a heartfelt, authentic drama about family dynamics. The show not only touches on complicated topics, but also delves deep into each character's psyche with whatever problem they encounter (and they really do face a lot).

I would have rated this show a 10 if not for Eunhee. Compared to the other characters in the show, her motives and decisions seem uncharacteristic of her, as if the writers decided last minute that she would be the narrator and the one that undoubtedly takes up the most time in the show. The other storylines (namely Eunjoo's marriage and their parents' storyline) all feel cohesive and set to the plot, but Eunhee's never felt like that. After finishing the show, Eunhee's storyline felt like it could have been a completely separate drama. It got to the point that I became so much more interested in the other storylines that I started skipping Eunhee's parts just to watch the rest, and I genuinely didn't feel like I missed anything.

Still, watch the drama. But if you find yourself feeling the same, do yourself a favor and just skip those scenes.
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