The Quake (2018)
The Quake
18 December 2022
I didn't like it for reason only. It was in Norwegian in which I don't understand because I am American and I do not speak Norwegian plus I cannot read English subtitles or close caption, because they speaking Norwegian faster than I can actually read it in English. Matter of fact I cannot read at all well maybe a little bit I can't read English subtitles or close caption. And which makes me unable to get the gist of what is going on. Tyvm I am done reviewing this movie. Oh its long enough review, but if you want more I will say more. It's that I cannot really say what I think of this movie because Norwegian is spoken faster than I can read what they are saying. I would rather hear them dub it in English therefore I can keep up what is going on. I hope this clarifies WHY I didn't like the Quake.
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