Review of Mindcage

Mindcage (2022)
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16 December 2022
I mean I could look it up but I just don't have the energy or the care. This plot is so bad it's actually kind of funny. I knew from the first minute this movie would be a pile of poop. But I like B movies.

Lionsgate man, why? I mean I guess Jon and Martin needed some cash or something, but at least use a workable script. I can't wait to see the score on this movie in a few weeks. My guess is it's sub 4.

I liked he creativity a little, but overall it's just so bad and poorly done it can't be redeemable. I did like the lead female character.

Watch this movie if you want to chuckle but make sure you're at least 2-3 wines deep. 3/10 just because I laughed a lot and the plot is so bad. So bad 😂
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