His Dark Materials: Lyra and Her Death (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
Ruth Wilson Rocks
15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Massive Spoilers Ahead

Mrs Coultre steals every scene she's in and is the heart of this show; when she's on the screen you can't take your eyes off her. I loved her in Luther and even more in HDM. Lyra and Will - not so much. They're okay but honestly I find them a bit gormless. In fact, I am beginning to find Lyra's character more and more annoying and preferred her character in the earlier seasons. I mean, who would sever themselves from their own daemon to save a dead friend? Couldn't she just have gone to a medium instead? It would have been a lot less hassle! Her galactic stubbornness means she went against all cautionary advice to have her way, so naturally she had to reap the consequences of her actions with the heartbreaking ending of this episode.

For a while I really thought Will would play the saviour and go in her place to find Roger so when Lyra turned around after making her choice to leave Pan, he would be gone with the boat. But no, he didn't do it and instead just sat there and watched the wrenching drama with that gormless expression - what kind of hero is that? Perhaps it all ties in in the end, or perhaps Lyra and her mother are going through a parallel reality of daemon severance. Father President btw is getting more unhinged with every episode as he creates his weapon of mass destruction to rid the world of sin. Mrs. Coultre discovers his plot but makes the wrong move! If it was me, I would have exchanged the hair with someone from the Magistarium like Father Gomez but that didn't happen either. Where is this going? We'll find out in due course. In spite of all that, this season has far more gripping moments than the previous and I'm much more into it than before.
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