I could not believe how dumb this movie was.
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I finally saw this movie. I haven't been real interested in the MCU since Endgame concluded but this had great reviews and it's Spiderman so I figured i'd give it a shot.

What the hell? This movie is the dumbest movie in the MCU. It has a plot that is so unbelievably stupid and hamfisted that I can't believe I haven't heard anyone call it out yet.

It seriously feels like every single character in this series got transformed into a complete idiot with the end goal being that MCU wanted to figure out a way to force the Multiverse into the story line because that's apparently where we're going to go after Endgame wrapped up. Doctor Strange particularly draws my ire. Really Victor, you're going to create a complicated world altering spell with massive cross universe complications potentially so that Peter's friends can get good college recommendations? Are you serious? This plot seems like it was ripped out of Rick and Morty, I'm just waiting for Rick to show up with a "I just wanted you to see how dumb and stupid the idea of going to a "prestigious college" was." It literally seems like a comedic gag and yet this is the plot that is supposed to set up the rest of the direction of the MCU? The absurdity of this convoluted plot is interspaced with fan service throwbacks to old Sony characters (who also act like complete idiots in this movie) and even I'll admit that I'll never grow tired of Willem Dafoe's Norman Osborne but they serve as little more than distractions to get you to not think about how stupid everything else is in the movie around them.

The action scenes are all standard Marvel fare. The stakes being so totally ridiculous and unbelievable completely drew me out of them if I'm being totally honest. I honestly just wanted to fast forward through them so I can see what the next unbelievable turn of this windy circus show was going to be. I think this is the one area where "franchise fatigue" might actually be a thing because I just couldn't be bothered to get excited about yet another CGI fest intersperced with little witty one liners as is the MCU formula these days. Without actual stakes, this all just felt like it could have been copy paste out of Thor Ragnarok and nothing really would have changed.

I went into this movie with pretty moderate expectations. I'm already divested from the MCU as it is, but I figured I'd give this movie a shot since it's the one that is pretty universally agreed to be a fun time and I cannot believe how disappointed I am with it. This was a VERY dumb action movie even by comic book movie standards, that feels insulting to the characters, and is a giant red flag that whatever Marvel is trying to do with the MCU without RDJ, Chris Evans and the rest in severe disarray.
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