Who wrote this
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off if the dad was a DA he would know to not throw away the knife he would have know. To test it for dna he did the worst possible thing, THEN, why didn't he ask the obvious, HIW DID YOU GET MY KIDS FINGERPRINTS? They aren't on file so HOW? What lawyer or father would t ask THAT? He was suspended from his job which means he was no longer acting DA, so he could have represented his son. I am SO tired of these shows where they just assume the viewer is a Moron. Ignorant of the laws. Just plain dumb.

The acting is good though even though I keep waiting for maddy from good behaviors character to pop out and come up with a plan to get the kid out of it. This could have been good with a little less assumption on the writers part.
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