Review of Pearl

Pearl (2022)
Had me riveted from the start
9 December 2022
Right from the beginning, with the 'Wizard of Oz' like intro, I was entranced. I felt Pearl was Dorothy, ready to be transported to her self-manifested dreams.

Mia Goth completely embraced Pearl, brought her to life like a Puppet who no longer needs their strings; she blew life into her. I can't really articulate how incredibly pointed her performance was, but it was dark, foreboding and razor sharp.

The suggestion of impending darkness was there from the beginning, however, it grew with such powerful, uncontrollable grace, that I felt strapped into the carriage of a rollercoaster destined to crash.

The final throws of the film had me covering my eyes and cringing, with some of the best gratuitous violence and macabre scenes that have graced our screens for some time.

Horror at its absolute best, in my opinion.
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