Strongly recommended
8 December 2022
Exceptional movie. Someone wrote it is anti-war movie. It is not anti-war movie, it is anti those who start the wars, who abuse peoples' elevated emotions and send them to kill and to be killed, instead of trying to resolve the existing grievances in a peaceful way. It also directed against those who makes an entertainment from the human tragedies depicting them as an "image of victory", just like ancient Romans found a fun in watching gladiators fights. It tells how little progress we made in the last 2000 years, despite our achievement in technology and science. It also gives a clever idea that what you may see as your victory in reality could be the image of your defeat.

One objection I have to the movie is how it portrays Aba Kovner. Aba Kovner was one of the leaders of the unground resistance in Vilnius ghetto, a heroic fighter against Nazis and a prolific poet. You can find more information about him by surfing the internet.
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