Fight Song (2022– )
Music and Karate paired together?
8 December 2022
It seemed like an odd couple to be paired together in the description - music and karate, but it seemed to work with both their common problems and emotions. It is hard for me to understand alot of the J-Drama's and this one was a little strange to me too. However I watched it and really liked the male lead actor Shôtarô Mamiya. I never really seen him before - looked up his bio and was surprised to see such an impressive long list of works he has done in the past, I guess I haven't seen enough J-Drama. I have a couple of favorite actors I have seen in the past. Usually watch K-Drama. The J-Drama scripts usually leave me a bit disappointed at the end like something is missing. Another thing that I felt was annoying which I assume was intentional, but not meant to be annoying was more than a couple of times the sound went totally quiet like it was cut off as if you were deaf. I know it wasn't a bad sound on my TV as no other show was having any problems so I have to assume it was meant to show you what it was like to lose your hearing.
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