Who's Guilty? (1945)
Best sleeping pill ever....
7 December 2022
And worst serial ever, and don't be surprised that it is produced by the awful Sam katzman and directed by the bland, lousy Howard Bretherton. I fell alseep after the third episode. This mystery like story is usually used for short length movies, as there were so many in the early talkies era, certainly not for a 15 episodes serial, five hours long; OK Maybe you have great suspense, if you are still awake to appreciate it. I was not that lucky. It is so slow.... Try once to compare this with a Republic Pictures serial, from the forties, the Golden era for Republic. Try to compare...But for me, it is too much dizzy to compare. MONSTER AND THE APE, the other serial from Bretherton, is also boring, but fun, involuntarily fun. So lousy, that you can't prevent yourself to laugh...
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