Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
Has great potential!
5 December 2022
This show is awesome, but the chefs need more time to create their sncaks. One or two hours is not enough. The show lacks beautiful snacks. Most of the ones presented to the judges looks either halfbaked or plain sad. As a viewer I would like to see more finished presentations presented. I would also like a setup more similar to masterchef. Not just three chefs per episode, but all of them at the same time making snacks. Other than that I really like the show. Its just sad to see great potential go to waste. Hopefully a season two could change up the game. At the very least give the chefs more time in the kitchen. Pringles and similar snacks were not invented in a day, so how on earth could a single chef make one in two hours? Thats not even enough time to think about a proper strategy and execute it properly. Just look at the youtube series "Gourmet makes". There needs to be room for trial and error when attempting to recreate something so very complicated. To end on a positive note I'll say that I really like the judges. Very likeable all of them.
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