Breaking Bad: Cat's in the Bag... (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
Sizzling and steady continuation.
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another really good episode that keeps the momentum of the first episode going!

This episode was filled with a lot of tension especially between Walter and Skyler the latter beginning to notice Walter acting strangely and being all around just shady. Skyler snooping around really made me scared she'd find out about the operation of Walter and Jesse despite it being the second episode and me barely knowing the characters.

This episode also focused more heavily on Walter and Jesse's dynamic which I find very interesting and real. On the note of being real the acting and script do a very good job at making it feel like you're watching actual conversations and events occur rather than a story put on a screen.

I really liked the unique way the writers chose to take with getting rid of the bodies, and I am happy that Jesse met consequences for not listening to Walter.

Overall I am continually seeing things that warrant the hype of this show and if things keep going the way they are I hope to be able to fully join the hype train as well! Another solid 8/10!
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