Andor: Daughter of Ferrix (2022)
Season 1, Episode 11
Daughter of Ferrix
2 December 2022
As "Andor" is nearing its final stretch, it's clear that they're gearing up for something. There's the saying of "the quiet before the storm," and this episode seems to completely embody that saying. There are a few loose ends that they'll have to tie up, but with the incredible work that Tony Gilroy has done with navigating this show through these arcs, this feels like the beginning of the end as it does start to tie up some of those ends before the finale airs. This was definitely a more laid back episode, but still featuring some of this season's best sequences, especially its action.

For the first time, it seems like all of the storylines are nearing that connection point, and it feels like poetic justice that it's happening where the entire thing started. The entire idea of basing this big finale around the funeral of Maarva Andor is amazing writing, and the spark that the audience got to see in her from the first episode is the spark that's going to light the fire of the rebellion. It's going to inspire a lot of these figures to take the fight seriously, and it'll probably influence Andor to finally join the cause as well. All the pieces are moving now, so it doesn't matter that they decided to bring it down a little bit, because it's going to be full-on with the next episode. The episode also gave the show a big action sequence that, while being short, will hopefully satisfy the people who have longed for more space battles in the show. It was badass and it gave some nice development to Luthen who is quite the pilot. This episode also made it obvious that Gilroy's vision for the show was always to show the beginning of the rebellion, and while some may wish it could have happened a little quicker, it takes time to set all of this up. This episode showed how satisfyingly they've been able to make it all work and if they're able to stick the landing, this is going to be a truly memorable show and one of the best in this universe.

"Daughter of Ferrix" is deliberately moving all the characters to the same spot to prepare for the fireworks that are going to fly come the finale. It has a great action sequence, and while it was a little slow, it was difficult to look away because of the brilliant way Tony Gilroy has structured everything.
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