My Three Sons: The Honeymoon (1970)
Season 11, Episode 8
1 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Steve and Barbara talk about the newlyweds Chip and Polly. When Barbara asks about the younger Chip Steve related a story about Chip's younger reaction to girls. We get a flashback reminding us Chip did grew up for all to see!

Meanwhile Chip and Polly are having a series of problems with the car but the friendliness and hospitality of the people ensures they make it to the hotel. It's the same place Steve and Barbara spent their honeymoon but now it's a singles hotel and the newlyweds spend the night apart. Chip tells the owner that his dad and mom stayed there last year. He likes the young couple and makes an exception for them. Polly had been thinking Chip might be having second thoughts and maybe her dad has cursed them or something! Chip tells to stop saying he's sorry about marrying her and that his dad told him her dad took the news pretty well.

Another couple arrive and the owner ends up making an exception for them . They have been married longer and are struggling it doesn't seem worth it to the husband. It starts planting doubts with Chip because they other couple married young too. Now it's Polly's turn to be sensible and tells Chip the other guy might just be wrong.

Chip gives the man some good advice . Steve says when he's irritated or angry at someone in the family he imagines of how he would feel if they weren't around. I think it's excellent advice. It also helps this couple.

At breakfast the hotel owner tells Chip and Polly that Steve sent them a bottle of champagne. He also makes the connection better between them . The other couple arrives to thank Chip for the advice. Polly and Chip invite the couple to join them for breakfast and dinner. They accept.

Rob and Katie make an appearance after Uncle Charlie gives them the news but Ernie seems to be invisible in this whole story arc of Chip and Polly's .
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