"When you stand before God
1 December 2022
You can not say, "but I was told by others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time."

What a movie.

Firstly, the directors cut is the one I watched mistakingly but I cannot for the life of me understand what would be in the shortened version as this is a movie of massive proportions and depth. Anything less is... sacrilege.

This movie is on the same field as other sweeping epics - Gladiator (also Ridley of course!), Braveheart, The Patriot. And it delves into everything that makes us human and more.

Underlying the hauntingly beautiful music, the poetic dialogue, the breakneck action sequences, and the complicated character interactions are deep themes running like ancient rivers through the movies landscape:

What kind of person are you? Are you virtuous? Do you believe in God? Do you love? What would you die for?

We can choose to live apart from these questions but I wonder what would happen if we truly embraced the quest to discover the answers.. and ourselves.

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